Buddy has come a long way since he first arrived at our Pet Health Centers. Now fully recovered from his dual hip surgery, Buddy has made quite a mark on the hearts of his caregivers…and even on some of their family members.

Buddy’s journey started when our Rescue Manager Karla Scaramuzzo’s heart first broke for the young pup with soulful eyes. Karla transported him from Tennessee to get him the medical treatment he needed to live a happy, pain-free life. Next, it was Karla’s daughter Danielle and her wife Hannah who fell in love with Buddy while following his story on social media. They reached out to Karla to learn more about this amazing dog and how they could make him part of their family.

After going through the adoption approval process, which included having Buddy “cat tested” (which he passed with flying colors!) Danielle and Hannah were able to welcome Buddy to the family! Now called Sullivan, Karla personally completed the full circle story by transporting him once again, this time to his new home.

Now, Sullivan is living his best life with his moms and his feline brother Marshall, all thanks to the support of our Help Me Heal Program. This lifesaving program changes lives every day and makes the most wonderful happy beginnings.

We’re happy to report that Buddy is doing very well after the surgery on his hips. Buddy underwent a bilateral femoral head ostectomy (FHO) to remove the part of the bones that were fractured. What will happen now is the muscles will grow over time and form an artificial hip joint, which will allow Buddy to live a life free from ongoing pain.

We recently caught up with Buddy while he was being assisted on a brief walk outside of our Pet Health Centers. As always, he was friendly and eager to meet new people along the way! While Buddy continues his recovery, he will undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation to help him strengthen his muscles as he grows. This will include weekly aquatherapy sessions at our Pet Wellness Center, where he’ll be able to walk with less pressure on his healing hips.

Soon Buddy will be back on his paws and ready to find a home of his own, and spend the rest of his life as a beloved companion animal. All this would not be possible without the generous support of our Help Me Heal Program. Thank you for helping us change lives every day!

Help Buddy Heal From Traumatic Injuries

Buddy has been through a lot in his young life, but with your help his life can change for the better. He was surrendered by his family after being hit by a car and is now suffering from multiple traumas. This sweet Pittie mix is hiding the pain with his friendly nature. Poor Buddy is unaware that his injuries could lead to more severe damage, however, with your help, he can be on the road to happier days.

Buddy came to us from Rescue Dog End of Life Sanctuary in Tennessee, where his owners surrendered him after the car accident. Rescue Dog knew he needed help, and that our Pet Health Centers was the best place for him. Will you rush a donation so we can give Buddy the urgent care he needs?

Luckily for Buddy, our own Dr. Marina Tejada was on the rescue transport and was able to get a first look at his injuries. According to her assessment, Buddy sustained serious fractures to both femurs in his hind legs at the hip. He does not seem to be in significant pain as of right now, but he is certainly uncomfortable. However, “long-term rubbing of the femoral bone with the fractured part that is still in the hip will cause significant pain,” said Dr. Tejada. With the support from your donation, we can provide Buddy with the comfortable, pain-free life that he deserves.

Buddy will need to undergo surgery as a way to secure relief from the trauma. Dr. Tejada noted that “the purpose of the surgery is to remove that part of the ball and socket joint that is sticking into the hip, so that we don’t have bone on bone contact. And then eventually the muscles of the hip and the leg will strengthen up and create an artificial joint, so he’ll be able to walk around pain free.”

After his surgery, Buddy will spend some time in a foster home while undergoing physical therapy and rehabilitation to gain strength back. Once Buddy has made significant healing strides, he’ll be ready to find his forever home. But first he needs your support to ensure a happier and healthier life.

Buddy has a long journey ahead, but his strength and optimism have been key factors, as well as the support from our lifesaving Help Me Heal Program. Your kindness and generosity to this lifesaving program can change the world for sick and injured animals and give them a healthy, joyful future.