
The dog I adopted has not been spayed.

I adopted my lovely dog Frankie from Abrar, a non-profit organization in the UK. The contract I signed stated that as she was over 6 months they would get her spayed, but they have refused to do so. I can't afford to pay for it so what can I do?

By |2019-07-10T14:41:26-04:00July 10th, 2019|

I rehomed a dog and she didn’t uphold the contract.

I rehomed a grown dog to a girl with a strict return policy and signed contract. She gave the dog away without contacting me, so can I go take him back? I wrote out a contract and had the lady who adopted my dog sign it. It states that she is not allowed to give my dog away and that he must be returned to me if she's unable to keep him. She gave him to her ex shortly after taking him, and I just found out a few months later. Can I go take him back since the man isn't supposed to have him?

By |2019-07-10T14:34:39-04:00July 10th, 2019|

What to do if someone tries to give your pet away.

My friend is in a highly volatile situation with her roommate, and she is currently trying to get out of it. She managed to move most of her stuff out of the apartment, but for the time being she has to leave her cat. Her roommate who has been threatening and intimidating her consistently has threatened to give her cat away for adoption without her consent. My friend is currently trying to figure out how to get her out, but for the time being she can't. Worst case scenario, if her roommate ends up doing just that before she can figure something out, is there anything my friend can do about it?

By |2019-07-10T14:28:35-04:00July 10th, 2019|

My ex has my cat.

My ex-boyfriend has my cat. We separated two years ago, and ever since I have been trying to get her back. He has left her alone twice for 14 days to go to Mexico. He told me that he had someone going there every few days to check up on her, but he doesn't realize that that is abuse. I'm trying to get ahold of the woman who gave me the cat. I'm pretty sure I can find her house again. If she says that she gave the cat to me will I be able to get my cat back?

By |2019-07-10T14:23:57-04:00July 10th, 2019|

My dog was given to the wrong owner.

The dog shelter gave my dog to the wrong person. This person claimed that they were the owner when they weren't, and I want my dog back. What can I do if the shelter won't resolve this?

By |2019-07-10T14:20:05-04:00July 10th, 2019|

My ex boyfriend has my adopted cats.

I have two cats that are in my name, and I adopted them when I was with my ex boyfriend. We were together for over 2 years, and I got them at the end of our relationship. I bought many things for them that he still has. We came to an agreement that he would keep one cat, and I would keep the other, because he has a 4-year-old daughter so I didn't want to take them both away from her. However, I was letting him keep them both until I was settled, and the agreement was for me to be able to visit the daughter and my cats in the meantime. The kittens are now approximately 6 months old. I adopted them and took them to all of their first vet visits. Now he isn't letting me even see them and has broken contact with me. Am I able to have a police escort me to go and get them?

By |2019-07-02T13:55:20-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

Can my sibling take her cat back after 3 years?

My sister and her boyfriend adopted a cat about 3 years ago, but she has left the cat in my and my mother’s care for three years. She has her own apartment, but she took in two dogs instead of this cat. She pays the medical bills, but we house, feed, and change his kitty litter. Does she have legal custody of him because she pays his bills, and at any time can she take him from us because of this?

By |2019-07-02T11:17:12-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

My ex wants his dog back after 2 years.

My ex has legal ownership of our dog. However, he moved to Toronto (4 hours away) and works too much, so he left the dog with me to take care of. Now, 2 years later, he decided to come to the region and wants the dog back, even with his same schedule that is too busy to take care of a dog. Do I have a case in the courts seeing that I have been this dog's guardian for the past 2 years? He has only seen the dog twice a year for the past 2 years.

By |2019-07-02T11:11:47-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

What to do with a bite allegation from your dog.

I was leaving my apartment to drop my dog off at the daycare, and I usually set my window down halfway for her. As we were leaving, I had to stop to let a new tenant that was walking her dog cross the road. She didn’t cross the road but continued to walk towards us at the edge of the asphalt so I could drive through. I put my car in gear, but my dog (who gets along and plays with 90% of the dogs at my apartment complex) jumped out and ran over to meet this new dog. The owner freaked out and snatched her dog off the ground by the leash. The interaction was no more than a second. I got out of my car and went over to grab my dog to put her back in the car. At this point her dog was yelping, not sure if it was from fright or whiplash. I went to see if her dog was okay and saw no blood. My dog was accused of biting her dog and I was summoned a $250 vet invoice that she wants me to pay.

By |2019-07-02T11:04:10-04:00July 2nd, 2019|
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