
Force Spaying??

My dog got out of our locked gate for the first time. Within 3 hours I'd located her at Animal Services and was ready to pick her up. Six hours later they called me and said I have to allow them to spay her or I cant have her back. Is this legal?? What are my rights?? I'm urgently trying to get this figured out because I only have a day or two before they then say I've surrendered her. Can you please help? I don't want her spayed ESPECIALLY without me present and not having chosen the vet to do it.

By |2023-01-06T16:17:16-04:00January 6th, 2023|

NYC shelter forcing me to neuter my dog.

My dog wandered off from my backyard and was taken to an animal shelter. They are telling me that if I don't agree to neuter him right then and there, they will not release him to my custody because it is the law. I do not want my dog neutered now, I would neuter him in the future. I have read many articles about male dogs becoming more aggressive after being neutered and I don't want that. Can anything be done?

By |2023-01-10T10:21:21-04:00November 30th, 2022|

I want my dog back.

My dog is at an animal shelter in Washington state because animal control told me they have to take him for now due to a incident where two people were bit by him. Now animal control is calling me asking me to surrender my dog to them. I haven't given them an answer yet. What are my options? Can I get my dog back?

By |2022-10-27T09:48:27-04:00October 27th, 2022|

Should I have to pay Humane Society to get my dogs back?

My three dogs were let out of our fenced in yard while I was in our house. I noticed it within an hour when I went to go let them back in. My neighbors, who I think let them out in the first place, called the pound and now the pound wants to charge me $240 to get my pets back, and they've had them for a whole couple of hours. I had them penned in properly, why should I have to pay such large amount of fees to get my animals back?

By |2022-10-27T09:24:33-04:00October 27th, 2022|

Neutering my dog

On March 23rd my dog went missing from a friends who was watching him, I didnt find out for 2 weeks that he was missing they didn't want to tell me they lied every time I asked to see him. He ended up at the animal shelter where, they are saying they have ownership of him, and they are neutering him, and I have to pay $200 and adopt him. My question is are they allowed to do that. I dont want him neutered and i cant afford $200. This is not fair my dog has been through enough he needs to just come home.

By |2022-06-14T15:32:24-04:00April 17th, 2022|

Took my dog for 1 incident.

So long story short I have a well loved dog almost two years he is an outside dog and always has remained on his thought chain of had never broke before. Well he got off after a link broke and he was off a total of ten minutes in that time the neighbors dog was on their porch with no leash and my dog went straight to him and they got into a scuffle. Wasn't for 60 seconds. Police showed up and walked towards my dog n he had gear and a hat on enough to make any dog wonder my dog jumped at police but did not bite him . My kids are very close to our dog and this was a freak accident he's NEVER been aggressive towards people and animals. The next day I came home and animal control had my dog calling him aggressive and he's nowhere near aggressive any dog that doesn't know someone is going to probably feel threatened. I miss my dog and I really want to see him and what steps to take to get him back please help with any answers.

By |2022-06-16T13:28:19-04:00February 26th, 2022|

Can I take the dog?

If I call animal control on this guy who has mom and puppies, can I ask to take them once they're with animal control?

By |2022-01-14T10:03:54-04:00January 14th, 2022|
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