
Who has rights to an escaped cat?

My sister's cat escaped 10 months ago. The cat was just found by a rescue organization, but they gave it back to a guy who apparently has had the cat for the last 10 months. Shouldn't my sister have legal rights to the cat since she had her first?

By |2022-06-14T15:44:44-04:00June 14th, 2022|

Ex-roommates dispute over dog ownership

My ex-roommate gave me his neglected dog he said because he was going into rehab and he would be better off with me. He is out of rehab and now saying it was supposed to be temporary. The dog has a microchip, can he take him away from me? Can I have my vet change the microchip information without the ex-roommates cooperation? Over time I fell in love and totally consider him my dog. I would be devastated if I had to send him back to that bad situation.

By |2022-06-21T13:30:04-04:00June 7th, 2022|

Is my sisters cat legally mine after a year?

My sister had been gifted a cat about a year ago. After a week of having him she decided to bring him to my parents house so that they could care for him while she went to rehab. She hasn’t come to pick him back up after a year, and she does have an apartment now, as well as cares for a small dog. I paid for all his food and exams at the vet as well as a neuter, updated vaccines, and chip implant. She wants the cat back now, but I don’t believe she can care for him due to her addiction and failure to hold a job, as well as how she doesn’t properly care for the dog she currently has. Due to her failure to care of the animal before, as well as the failure to care for her current animal does that make the cat mine since I properly take care of him?

By |2022-06-21T13:29:05-04:00June 7th, 2022|

What are my rights?

A coworker gave me a dog 2 months ago and asked if they could see him every now and then to which I verbally agreed to. Now they are asking to take him for an entire day, I replied that I do not feel comfortable with them taking him but they are more than welcome to come by or we can meet up at a park. They said this is not okay and that it was a one condition that they could take him home a whole day for me to get him. Can they take him back since I don’t have any papers other than vet visits?

By |2022-06-21T13:25:54-04:00June 7th, 2022|

Legal ownership from ex partner’s dogs

My ex partner adopted two dogs 3 years ago. We broke up a month ago and he agreed to give them to me since he is busy with work. I am afraid he changes his mind and asks me to give them back. Does he have the right to do so? I have already registered the dog's chips under my name and in American Kennel.

By |2022-06-28T09:59:19-04:00June 5th, 2022|

Dog custody conflict

My friend passed away unexpectedly. He leaves behind a year old golden doodle. His girlfriend of nine months and his family both want custody of the dog. His girlfriend lives in South Carolina and his family lives in Las Vegas. Our friend does not have a will indicating who he wanted ownership of the dog to go to. The girlfriend does have medical records from the vet stating the she was a co owner of the dog. Our friend bought the dog and had her for a couple of months before moving in with his girlfriend. Any legal advice for how this situation might resolve itself would be appreciated. Specifically if there is a section of the law I could point to to show the involved parties what the probably outcome of civil court would be, that would be highly beneficial to keep them out of court in this trying time.

By |2022-06-28T09:50:27-04:00May 21st, 2022|

Can I take my cat back from my friend if I pay them the back money?

I gave my cat, that I adopted to a friend because my mother would not allow me to have the cat in her house. Now , I plan to relocate, and I want to take my cat back. Is it legal to take her back? I am willing to give my friend all the money I would have spent to take care of her, as a currdicay. But do, I still have rights to the cat, since I am the one who adopted the cat?

By |2022-06-28T09:41:51-04:00May 19th, 2022|

Can previous owner take puppy back after giving him to me?

Hello, a lady had posted an ad saying she was giving her dog away because she was going back to work and lived in a studio and didn't feel it was fair to leave her home alone all day. Now after coming into my home introducing the puppy to my 3 kids the lady tells them how exciting you guys have a new puppy now and after 3 days of having the dog the lady called and texted saying she wants her back. I have all text messages, the ad, the voicemails everything showing she gave the dog away. She is now harassing my family calling several times a week and showing up out front of our home. She's saying she is now taking me to court to get the dog back. Can she legally get the dog back if she gave her away? Thank you

By |2022-06-14T15:38:48-04:00April 16th, 2022|

Rehomed pup now in shelter.

I rehomed my dog, who i’ve had since she was a puppy, due to changes in housing . I told the woman I gave her to that I would take her back no matter what and to please not hesitate to call if she couldn’t keep her . She had a hard time with her because she was aggressive around food and , instead of telling me, she sent her to a shelter . She knew I wanted her back, but made a decision based on “the safety of my child” despite the fact that she knew nothing of my dogs relationship with my 4 month old . She refused to tell me the name of the shelter , the date she took her in, or anything relating to where she went . I just want my dog back . She’s my family and I trusted she would be ok now she’s alone.

By |2022-06-16T13:57:04-04:00March 10th, 2022|

Custody Time Frame to Keep A Dog

I have been taking care of my daughter's young basset hound puppy since October 21, 2021, he is now about 10 months old. She has been in hospitals for depression, and just recently got out of jail and is on a one year probation, and now says she wants him back because he is her therapy dog. He's never been trained or certified as a therapy dog, and in her past, she has had pets that she's rescued, then dropped off at shelters because she's unable to care for them. She is not a responsible pet owner, What legal recourse and laws do I have in order for me to keep the dog. Thank you.

By |2022-06-16T13:31:29-04:00March 10th, 2022|
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