
Can I take a ferret to the vet?

I am watching my friend's ferret. Right from the start, the 6-month-old ferret was very lethargic. I did my research and I found out that I should take the ferret to the vet ASAP, but her ferret has never been to the vet before. I'm worried that the ferret might not make it.

By |2019-06-18T13:38:55-04:00June 18th, 2019|

The owner of an abandoned dog wants her back.

Saturday morning I saw a post on Facebook asking if anyone could take in an abandoned dog. The story I got was that the family left the dog over a year ago and the neighbor had been feeding her and taking care of her as best as he could do, but he could no longer do it. My husband and I decided to take her in. When we arrived, she had flies and fleas all over her. We gave her a bath and took her to the vet. She has sores all over her and both her ears are severely infected. We got medicine and treatment and spent $200. She obviously wasn't being taken care of. Now the owner wants her back. The dog is happy and adjusting well with us and our other dogs. Is there anything we can do to keep her?

By |2019-06-18T13:33:27-04:00June 18th, 2019|

My neighbors don’t take care of their dog.

My neighbors have a dog named Whitey. They do not care for him, and he stays at our house 24/7. He never goes home, and they never come to get him nor call him home. Could I take him to a vet to get a rabies shot so he is legally mine?

By |2019-06-18T13:25:38-04:00June 18th, 2019|

Can I take legal ownership of my mother’s dog?

My mother went to jail for a while and wanted me to keep her dog. After jail, she went to rehabilitation for a year. This caused confusion as to what happens to the dog. She never signed the dog over to me and basically has been out for a couple of years. I am her son which means that I am related to her, but I do not know if that means anything. Is there anyway I can keep the dog legally?

By |2019-06-18T12:59:38-04:00June 18th, 2019|

I have a pet custody dispute with my ex.

My ex-husband and I bought a dog together. When we split up he wanted nothing to do with the dog for almost 2 months. The dog got hard to handle so I offered the dog to him. It took him over a week to respond. I had by then changed my mind and decided not to separate that dog from my other one. When he contacted me I told him that I had changed my mind and was going to keep the dog. He is now saying he is going to the cops to get a right to have the dog since he has the message where I offered him to him, and now I’m changing my mind. Can he do that?

By |2019-06-18T12:53:51-04:00June 18th, 2019|

What are my rights as a foster dog owner?

I currently have a foster dog of 2 years. I filled out paperwork and have a contract. The foster dog was attacked by a dog I had in my house (which was stated on the foster application regarding her aggression prior to placing any dogs in my house) in 2017 a few months into fostering. I followed the contract and took the dog to the ER vet approved by the rescue, which paid out $1,700 for the foster dog's surgery. Throughout the following year, I had to move, and I contacted the rescue with no reply to pick up the dog or move the possible adoptions forward so she could be in a permanent home. After 6 months, the rescue called and wanted the dog to go to a few meet and greets, but none followed through or worked out. I have not been reimbursed for food over the 2 year period, even though it's stated in the contract that they will pay. The dog has only had 1 rabies vaccine in the 2 years and has never seen a vet, except for the one time she was attacked. Recently my apartment asked for vaccines and licenses, in which case I reached out several times via email, Facebook, and phone, and a month passed and I finally got the proof of rabies. Now in the contract it states that the foster is responsible for providing adequate food and vet care which will be paid for by the rescue. After many months of asking for check ups, records, and vaccines so I could kennel the dog (which I was willing to pay for) since the rescue was short fosters, I took the dog to my vet (which is also my FT job) and got her vaccinated. Despite the fact that the rescued paid $1,700 for her surgery due to a fight under my care, and I haven't received any money towards her food for 2 years, the rescue now wants me to pay an adoption fee. I explained the fee of her vet bill should cover the adoption fee. There is a refusal to reimburse the vet fees even though it says they will in the contract I signed) because I didn't take her to an "approved" vet. They are also asking for me to pay an adoption fee as well, so it would total a payout of over $800 for me. Am I responsible for these fees? Even after 2 years of caring for the dog the rescue basically just dumped on me? And if they ask for her back after 2 years of foster care, should I give the dog back? It doesn't seem fair, or in the better interest of the dog. I have no interest in suing anyone, or taking legal action, I just want to know if I should seek a lawyer and what my rights are as a foster.

By |2019-06-18T12:49:20-04:00June 18th, 2019|

Can original owners take a dog back after two years?

A little over 2 years ago, regulars at my brother's work offered us a pitbull because they couldn't have him around their newborn baby. Eventually we agreed to accept the dog because we didn't want him going to a pound or shelter. When we got him, his nails weren't cut, he wasn't potty trained, his ears were torn up, and he wasn't neutered. He's a male pitbull, and it's illegal in Nevada to own a pitbull that isn't neutered. We got him cleaned, cut, neutered and potty trained. He has been a great part of our family and is registered under my name as an emotional support animal and is doing amazing now. However, the original owner wants him back. He has been pursuing us and found the address where my brother works. It has been over two years and he wants the dog back. He even changed up his words to say that we stole his dog when before he stated that we didn't. This could all be easily proven with screenshots of messages from the beginning when we first got him. Can he win in court and take my dog from us? I am former military and I have chronic depression and having this animal in my life helps. I don't think he could win in court, but I just want to clarify with someone in a legal sense. Also, we haven't checked if the dog was chipped.

By |2019-06-17T14:01:55-04:00June 17th, 2019|

Is it legal for my father to get rid of my dogs even though I’m 18?

My father is not an animal lover, but I do have 2 well-trained dogs. They have no problems whatsoever. I don't have the best relationship with my dad so he is constantly threatening to get rid of my dogs. It stresses me out whenever I leave the house. I do plan on moving out in the future, but right now I'm busy working and going to college. If their microchips and vet papers are under my name, and I feed and care for them, is it illegal for him to get rid of them?

By |2019-06-17T13:09:35-04:00June 17th, 2019|

My ex-boyfriend won’t give my dog back.

My boyfriend ended our relationship and told me to move out without giving me any notice. I didn't even have time to get my dog, and now he wants to keep it just to hurt me more. What can I do to get my pet back?

By |2019-06-10T16:05:09-04:00June 10th, 2019|

What happens to the ownership of a pet when the owner dies?

My neighbor recently died and had a dog that her caregiver was taking care of for her. My neighbor told the caregiver she wanted her to keep the dog if something happened to her, but now her son wants the dog. He is an alcoholic and will not take care of the animal. The caregiver has had the dog since December and takes it to the groomer and takes really good care of the dog. No written agreement was made about the dog just verbal. Can the caregiver keep the dog?

By |2019-06-21T11:22:02-04:00June 10th, 2019|
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