
Can a rescue deny me for having too many pets?

The lady at the rescue denied my application and responded saying that I had too many pets already and that they had not been vaccinated since last year. I don’t think that this is a fair reason to be denied.

By |2019-07-01T15:55:24-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My friends won’t give my cat back.

I placed my cat with close friends when I was displaced from my home due to a fire, and they are refusing to give him back. I have a microchip and veterinary records. There was never a discussion regarding ownership, as the arrangement from beginning until now was that I wanted him back. He is my pet. He turned six on May 26, 2019. The length of time that they had him did extend due to circumstances of living in an appropriate living situation. It was discussed at the time of that extension that I was going to want him back. They then discussed with me that they did not want to return him. Our relationship had never been volatile until June 12, 2019 when I asked to discuss when I could retrieve him. They became hostile and refused to give me my cat back. I have called and left messages as well as texts asking to talk. They now won't respond. Our agreement was always that I was going to take him back, and even at the start they expressed that they would never keep him. I have text messages showing that he is my pet.

By |2019-07-01T15:34:04-04:00July 1st, 2019|

Can I keep a friend’s cat I took care of for over a year?

My girlfriend at the time wanted me to take care of her cat because the apartment she lived in didn't allow pets. I took care of the cat while she moved to a new house. It's been over a year and she has moved to three different places. She now wants her cat back, but I've grown attached to it and have paid for medical and food needs. Am I legally allowed to keep the cat?

By |2019-07-01T13:26:57-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My roommate wants ownership of my dog.

I own an emotional service dog. However, my old roommate thinks that she's his dog. My roommate was abusive, so I had to go to a shelter. Unfortunately, the shelter is not a good place for my dog or for myself. Right now, I have my dog, but my roommate thinks he can get her back. I told him that since the service dog is in my name, he cannot take her.

By |2019-07-01T13:08:34-04:00July 1st, 2019|

Someone found my dog and is keeping it.

I lost my dog because our gate was left open and he ran out. My dog was picked up by a lady around 20 minutes later. She had him for two days, and she didn’t post anywhere that she had found him. She went to get him chipped and put her name down as his owner. The only reason we found out is because her coworker overheard her talking about it, and he remembered seeing my post so he commented on it. How can I get my dog back?

By |2019-07-01T12:57:24-04:00July 1st, 2019|

What are one’s rights as a secondary dog owner?

A year ago I got a beautiful bernese mountain dog for me and my family. My girlfriend at the time helped me purchase the dog. I was asked if I wanted my girlfriend to be a secondary owner to the dog, to which her answer was immediately yes. Although I paid for the majority of the dog and signed as the primary owner, does my ex girlfriend have the right to take the dog whenever she likes? She does not have a suitable living area for a dog that large, and she has a long history of abusing and doing things that I didn't like to the dog. I even have a screenshot of a text of her saying that she doesn't want the dog anymore because "she's a terror to him", but then a week later she took back the statement. I don't feel comfortable with him under her care, and I hope I gave enough information to get a clear answer.

By |2019-07-01T13:19:48-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My missing dog was found 3 years later in a new home.

I had a husky puppy from birth (I owned his mother), but he suddenly went "missing". Though the husky breed are known to wonder, he hardly ever left my yard or was ever left unattended outside or in a kennel. I have pictures and vet bills and Facebook posts about the missing dog. Now, a man 5 minutes down the road from me posted him on Facebook. I know it's been 3 years but this was my dog. I tried to speak to him about it and he blocked me. Can I get my dog back after 3 years? I understand he's in a decent home but he holds a special place in my heart.

By |2019-07-01T12:22:31-04:00July 1st, 2019|
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