
Fostering my dog.

If I cannot provide a stable home for a dog that I own, can I ask someone to temporarily house the dog? Is there a written agreement that needs to be made to ensure I will get the dog back? How should I go about getting temporary placement for my dog until I can provide a stable home for him?

By |2024-03-26T09:27:10-04:00January 16th, 2024|

Dogs given to new home

The lady, whom I hardly know, called me and told me that her neighbor is neglecting her two Chihuahuas, and now she is in the hospital. The Chihuahuas need a good home because they are alone with no food and water. She asked me to take care of them and keep them because the owner is in the hospital, and her health issues are not improving. I have my own dogs, so I couldn't keep them, but I will find a good family for them. I did find a good home for them. However, after a few days, she started texting and calling me to return them back.

By |2023-09-22T16:20:47-04:00August 9th, 2023|

Dog died while being boarded.

I watched someone’s dog while they went on vacation and it died of heat exhaustion can they sue my landlords home owners insurance for their dog dying?

By |2023-08-21T11:16:31-04:00July 4th, 2023|

Can I adopt Shop Cat I’ve been caring for during quarantine?

I have been sheltering a cat during quarantine for a shop that didn’t have a plan to care for the cat during quarantine when no one would be visiting the shop on a regular basis. There was no clear agreement about how long I was taking him for. When I picked up the cat, he was extremely dirty. I have cared for him and bought him food for two months. I’ve spent every day and all day with him. He’s extremely well cared for. The shop owner who lives in NYC only part time now wants the cat back in the shop, but I’m scared he’s going to be traumatized. I would like to adopt him but they said no. What are my rights?

By |2020-06-18T11:02:57-04:00May 20th, 2020|

My ESA pet has been stolen.

I had my ESA pet being watched by a friend of a friend the last couple of months since where I had moved to, the other people in the home were allergic to cats. I had situated myself to have him back, but the person watching him became unreachable. I even went to the home to find that the girl moved. When I texted, they said wrong number. Now this person is completely MIA other than on social media. I contacted her on Facebook and then was blocked! Since he is a registered emotional support animal does that give me any more rights? What can I do to get him back? We had a agreement that there wasn’t pay required to watch as this was supposedly a friend, but we even messaged her on social media to pay her for the troubles of watching him before we were blocked.

By |2019-07-22T12:44:44-04:00July 22nd, 2019|

I boarded a cat for 7 months. Who has legal ownership?

I kept a friend's ex's cat for 7 months while they dated and now suddenly she wants it back after they broke up. I like the cat and don't want to give it back. The cat is happy here. Is the cat legally mine after this time period? There was no contract.

By |2019-06-18T13:11:53-04:00June 18th, 2019|

My friend won’t give me my cat and wants to declaw it.

I got a cat, and my friend at the time got the cat's sibling. We agreed that until I got my own place, my cat could stay with her and I would help with the food and supplies. I have done so every month, as well as spent time over there taking care of my cat. I now live in a place that allows animals, and she is refusing to let me take my cat and she is going to declaw him without my consent. Does she has any ground to stand since I have been paying her and have proof?

By |2019-06-17T13:40:30-04:00June 17th, 2019|

I own a boarding kennel and my client’s attorneys haven’t been paying the bills.

My parents are former professional dog handlers and own a large boarding kennel in Northern California. Unfortunately, their main client passed away in April of 2018 with over 40 dogs under my parents' care. As part of his will, he created two separate trusts to care for his large number of animals (one cluster in New York and the other in CA). Unfortunately, the attorneys are very slow to pay. They agreed to pay up to the date of his death and then asked us to accrue bills until the trust was settled. In over a year we have only received one emergency payment and have had no communication in over 5 months. What is our recourse?

By |2019-06-17T13:32:12-04:00June 17th, 2019|

My vet keeps adding procedures and bills to my puppy with parvo.

Hello, initially we were quoted around $5,800 to treat our puppy with parvo. Though it seemed he was past the worst, they wanted to keep him longer to make sure he made it out. Now, they’ve been using the same scare tactics and other ways of keeping him longer and adding onto the bill. Is there anything I can do?

By |2019-06-13T08:43:24-04:00June 11th, 2019|
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