Animal Control

My neighbor live trapped my cat and dumped them

How do I take legal action against my neighbor for live trapping my house cat of 7 years, along with a raccoon, and dumping them off in the middle of nowhere? The neighbor, whose yard the traps were set in, told me exactly what happened. The police aren't returning any phone calls, and I'm getting nowhere with animal control. What is the next step?

By |2023-09-22T16:37:55-04:00August 15th, 2023|

Animal control took my livestock guardian dog

My dog was guarding my chickens and ducks. She was alone on the property for two weeks while we were moving. I drove back every other day to refresh water and food. The ducks drank out of my dog's water dish and got dirt in it, and the chickens also scratched around and got dirt in their water. They insisted that my animals' water had not been changed in weeks when, in reality, I was there and changed the water the day before. They took my dog, ducks, and chickens on the day I was coming to move them to our new home (the day after the first visit).

By |2023-09-22T16:32:42-04:00August 14th, 2023|

My dog was stolen

My dog was stolen, and a police report was filed. Animal control found her and took her to the shelter. They never posted anything about finding her, nor did they scan her for a microchip. Thirteen days later, they contacted me via social media after seeing a post I had made about my missing dog. I explained that she was stolen and that I had a police report, but they said they didn't care about the report and that I had to pay a $200 impound fee plus $15 per day. I don't have that much money, and even if I did, are they legally allowed to require me to pay in order to get my stolen dog back?

By |2023-09-22T16:39:53-04:00July 16th, 2023|

Severe neglect.

A neighbor down the road has a larger dog tied to a tree with about a 2-foot or less strap. The dog can't even stand up, has no water, and is lying in a mud hole. I have contacted animal control, but nothing is being done. What can I do to help this neglected, tortured dog? It can't even stand to pee or poop. It's such a sad situation; the dog looks so sad and has no hope of any kind. It breaks my heart. It's been like this for weeks now, and I walk by every day on my walk.

By |2023-07-17T15:45:49-04:00June 17th, 2023|


I live in a mobile home park where we have a lot of strays. The people who live beside me are trapping them. One day, they had a cat in the trap for eight hours. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to release the cat, but I don't think it's legal to go onto someone else's property. Two weeks later, there was another cat in a trap. I just looked out, and they have set the trap again. I'm afraid they are going to trap someone's cat that is being taken care of but is allowed to roam. Even though all pets are supposed to be leashed, people still let them roam. Should I call the humane league? I love cats, and this breaks my heart.

By |2023-05-19T13:20:55-04:00March 22nd, 2023|

My neighbor’s dog keeps getting into our yard and attacking our dog.

We have been having issues with our neighbor's dog jumping into our yard, even though our house is fenced. This same dog has even bitten me on the face and near the eye, and the neighbors have done nothing about it. A year later, we got a new male dog, a Pitbull mix who has been sterilized. However, I noticed that his mood and energy have drastically decreased and he isn't his old self. I later saw our neighbor's small male dog through the window trying to hump my dog, which ended up attacking it on our doorstep. This isn't the first time their dog has attacked ours. We have been telling the neighbors about their dog for years, but their dog still manages to get into our yard. I fear for my dog's life because he doesn't even try to defend himself.

By |2023-04-24T11:56:35-04:00March 3rd, 2023|

Animal control taking dog.

Animal control received a complaint about a dog that is under my watch but the real owner(landlord) doesn't live with with us. Animal control gave me 24 hours to have her taken to vet and have paperwork results sent to them or they will take the dog and charge me with neglect or abuse. Is that legal? And what can I do to keep the dog?

By |2023-04-24T12:30:43-04:00February 27th, 2023|

Animal control took my dogs.

How can I get my dogs back including a service dog? The county has not charged me with anything yet has taken my dogs whom are healthy & well loved.

By |2023-04-24T14:44:31-04:00February 2nd, 2023|

I want my dog back.

My dog is at an animal shelter in Washington state because animal control told me they have to take him for now due to a incident where two people were bit by him. Now animal control is calling me asking me to surrender my dog to them. I haven't given them an answer yet. What are my options? Can I get my dog back?

By |2022-10-27T09:48:27-04:00October 27th, 2022|
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