Elinor D. Molbegott, is an attorney who maintains a law practice devoted to animal law. Elinor donates her time to answer questions from North Shore Animal League America supporters who would like to learn more about animal law.
Can my sister legally give my dogs away or let them loose without my permission?
I live with my sister and her and I had got into an altercation. She advised that she will no longer care for small senior dogs while I'm at work. She said if I don't take them with me when I leave that she will take them to the pound or let them loose. I've decided to move back home to California in 30 days but in the meantime, I cannot take my dogs with me to work, nor can I take them everywhere I go because of the weather temps here so I quit my job. She doesn't want them on her property unless I'm here. I believe it's an act of control and revenge. Can she legally give my dogs away or let them loose without my permission?