What is Planned Giving?
Q: What is planned giving? A: Planned giving is a gift that will take effect at a later time, usually at your death. It can take the form of: a bequest in a will or trust, a beneficiary designation of an insurance policy or retirement plan, a transfer on death designation of a bank Read More
Tips to Pet Proof Your Home
Dogs and cats are curious by nature and the best way to keep your pet safe is to pet proof your home for hazards that could cause them harm. Here are some helpful tips on what to look out for to keep your pet happy and healthy.
How can planned gifts help the Animal League?
Q: How can planned gifts help the Animal League? A: Planned gifts are a wonderful way to make a substantial gift to support causes you hold dear, including, we hope, North Shore Animal League America. We rely on the support of animal lovers like you. The costs associated with operating the world's largest no-kill Read More