
My dog attacked another dog. Am I responsible for the medical bill?

My neighbor's dog is always outside off a leash barking at people. Last week my dog got out of the house and attacked her dog after her dog was on our side of the pavement. When my dog got out, her dog ran home, and my dog ran after her. She took her dog to the vet and she has a $455 bill. Should I be responsible for the bill?

By |2019-06-17T13:04:33-04:00June 17th, 2019|

I want my foster cat that was adopted back.

I am a foster parent and I was tricked by a customer. They adopted a cat from me and I did not notice that they put a PO Box into the address line. The driver license number is wrong too and her phone number is to her work place. Once I noticed, I asked her to provide an address, and she refused saying that she doesn’t feel comfortable doing so. I am very concerned about my foster cat. I have no idea where the cat is currently and she won’t cooperate. She told me that I signed the papers so now the cat is hers, and she said to take her to court. Can I legally demand the cat back?

By |2019-06-17T12:56:00-04:00June 17th, 2019|

My vet keeps adding procedures and bills to my puppy with parvo.

Hello, initially we were quoted around $5,800 to treat our puppy with parvo. Though it seemed he was past the worst, they wanted to keep him longer to make sure he made it out. Now, they’ve been using the same scare tactics and other ways of keeping him longer and adding onto the bill. Is there anything I can do?

By |2019-06-13T08:43:24-04:00June 11th, 2019|

My ex-boyfriend won’t give my dog back.

My boyfriend ended our relationship and told me to move out without giving me any notice. I didn't even have time to get my dog, and now he wants to keep it just to hurt me more. What can I do to get my pet back?

By |2019-06-10T16:05:09-04:00June 10th, 2019|

What happens to the ownership of a pet when the owner dies?

My neighbor recently died and had a dog that her caregiver was taking care of for her. My neighbor told the caregiver she wanted her to keep the dog if something happened to her, but now her son wants the dog. He is an alcoholic and will not take care of the animal. The caregiver has had the dog since December and takes it to the groomer and takes really good care of the dog. No written agreement was made about the dog just verbal. Can the caregiver keep the dog?

By |2019-06-21T11:22:02-04:00June 10th, 2019|

Can my neighbor take her dog that she gave custody to me back?

My neighbor was sentenced to a couple years in prison for a felony. He asked me to take custody of his dog. I had him sign a release of ownership stating the dog's name, his name, and that he was releasing all interest in her. He recently contacted me and said he was coming home in a few months and wants her back. I love her, she's extremely attached to me, and I intend to keep her. Does he have any rights? I have the release, the nearly two years of her being licensed in my name, a vet visit, and I intend to change her microchip info from his name to mine. Can he take her back?

By |2019-06-10T15:50:04-04:00June 10th, 2019|

Disagreement with Rescue Foundation: taking newly adopted puppy out-of-state

I adopted a puppy from a rescue. I paid $200 and signed an adoption agreement. They tried to pick up my dog with the police. I refused, and they said it was a breach of contract because I decided to take my dog to my sister's house for a few days to house sit. They were concerned about my dog, but no where in my agreement does it say I can't take my dog where I want to. I had permission from my vet, my sisters dogs were vaccinated, and I was very careful. The puppy is in very good health. The foundation is taking me to small claims court stating that I am indebted to them for $200 and/or I'm not entitled to the dog. Do they have any chance of getting the dog back? I can provide all vet records, vaccinations, and patient notes showing where the vet gave me permission to take him out of state with me. I have personal references of what a great home the dog has. I am worried.

By |2019-06-10T15:42:45-04:00June 10th, 2019|

Can I surrender the mother and keep the puppies?

My friend has a dog that ended up getting pregnant. The mother has become aggressive and has started to neglect her puppies, so my friend is surrendering the mother. However, is she allowed to keep the puppies?

By |2019-06-10T15:41:45-04:00June 10th, 2019|

I miss my cat that I had to rehome, how can I get it back?

Hello, I'm 60 yrs of age and am having surgery soon. I thought it would be better if I rehomed my cat named Muffy, as I would have a hard time post surgery to properly care for him. So stupidly I then posted for him to be rehomed. Soon he was off to the new owners. Realizing I've made a huge mistake as I'm not married and have no children, Muffy (my kitty) was my baby and I miss him terribly. I've raised him, now he's a 6 yr old grey with olive green eyes Russian Blue cat male that's neutered and declawed and oh so handsome. Where do I stand legally? I would like to have him back. I've had talk back and forth with the elderly couple that has him via TXT messages..but now they aren't responding to my texts. Whatdo I do?? Please help.

By |2019-06-10T15:02:53-04:00June 10th, 2019|
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