
My ex wants his dog back after 2 years.

My ex has legal ownership of our dog. However, he moved to Toronto (4 hours away) and works too much, so he left the dog with me to take care of. Now, 2 years later, he decided to come to the region and wants the dog back, even with his same schedule that is too busy to take care of a dog. Do I have a case in the courts seeing that I have been this dog's guardian for the past 2 years? He has only seen the dog twice a year for the past 2 years.

By |2019-07-02T11:11:47-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

What to do with a bite allegation from your dog.

I was leaving my apartment to drop my dog off at the daycare, and I usually set my window down halfway for her. As we were leaving, I had to stop to let a new tenant that was walking her dog cross the road. She didn’t cross the road but continued to walk towards us at the edge of the asphalt so I could drive through. I put my car in gear, but my dog (who gets along and plays with 90% of the dogs at my apartment complex) jumped out and ran over to meet this new dog. The owner freaked out and snatched her dog off the ground by the leash. The interaction was no more than a second. I got out of my car and went over to grab my dog to put her back in the car. At this point her dog was yelping, not sure if it was from fright or whiplash. I went to see if her dog was okay and saw no blood. My dog was accused of biting her dog and I was summoned a $250 vet invoice that she wants me to pay.

By |2019-07-02T11:04:10-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

How do I ensure legal custody of my cat?

My sister left a cat in my car for what was meant to be only one week, and it has turned into four years. She agreed to pay for the cat's toys, food, and vet bills, etc. After one payment in the first month, she has never taken any interest in the cat or it’s well-being. She has never asked about the cat or even seen it except once, and the cat was very afraid of her. She is currently on drugs and squatting in a local house. To shorten this, she wants the cat back, but she has no way of taking care of the cat. Is there any legal way of taking custody of the cat?

By |2019-07-02T10:50:29-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

I want my dog back from the rescue center.

I was given a puppy for free and he had something wrong with him and needs surgery. I didn’t think I would be able to afford it, so someone from a rescue center collected him from me. A few hours later, I contacted them stating I had the money for his surgery and treatment and that I wanted him back. They told me no. I didn’t legally sign him over to them, and he’s still micro chipped in my name. Is there any way I can get him back?

By |2019-07-02T10:43:24-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

I want to make sure this puppy is taken care of.

My friend had an 11-week-old puppy for a week. She tried to get rid of him the first day she had him. After a week, she brought him over saying he has worms and fleas and that she doesn't think she can keep him because she can't afford it. I told her to leave the puppy with me until she found a job so she can afford it. I've had him for a week and have spent $400 on this puppy at the vet. It has come out that he is very timid around new people and has bad anxiety and separation anxiety. Now my friend is trying to get him back and refuses to tell me if she has a job or not. Is there any way I can keep this puppy so he doesn't go to a home where he's not taken care of? How should I go about this?

By |2019-07-02T10:37:49-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

I need help with my puppy’s medical bills.

We got a lab puppy a few weeks ago, and I had noticed she was walking funny, but I just thought she would out grow it. Then she stopped putting weight on it, so the vet did x-rays and nothing is broken, but she has drawer syndrome on both knees. Basically the ligaments are lose. She came with a 1 year guarantee but of course the lady I got her from says it doesn’t cover this. I know she’s had this since I’ve gotten her. Is there anyway I can have her help pay the medical bills?

By |2019-07-02T10:30:28-04:00July 2nd, 2019|

Can a rescue deny me for having too many pets?

The lady at the rescue denied my application and responded saying that I had too many pets already and that they had not been vaccinated since last year. I don’t think that this is a fair reason to be denied.

By |2019-07-01T15:55:24-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My friend won’t give my puppy back.

I took home a stray puppy and posted on pet sites looking for the owner. It's been two weeks with the puppy, and I needed someone to watch the puppy. My friend said yes, and now her family won’t give him back. They claim they got attached to him, but we are attached to him too. That’s why we opted to take him home rather than drop him at a shelter. How can we get him back?

By |2019-07-01T15:43:10-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My friends won’t give my cat back.

I placed my cat with close friends when I was displaced from my home due to a fire, and they are refusing to give him back. I have a microchip and veterinary records. There was never a discussion regarding ownership, as the arrangement from beginning until now was that I wanted him back. He is my pet. He turned six on May 26, 2019. The length of time that they had him did extend due to circumstances of living in an appropriate living situation. It was discussed at the time of that extension that I was going to want him back. They then discussed with me that they did not want to return him. Our relationship had never been volatile until June 12, 2019 when I asked to discuss when I could retrieve him. They became hostile and refused to give me my cat back. I have called and left messages as well as texts asking to talk. They now won't respond. Our agreement was always that I was going to take him back, and even at the start they expressed that they would never keep him. I have text messages showing that he is my pet.

By |2019-07-01T15:34:04-04:00July 1st, 2019|

My wife’s medical dog was taken by police.

My wife has a medical dog for anxiety and depression, and she was pulled over and brought to jail for six days. Three days after she went to jail, her 17-year-old daughter, who had the dog in a motel, was leaving the state and called Humane Society to pick up the dog because she couldn't bring the dog with her. When my wife was released she called Humane Society to retrieve the dog, but the rep on the phone informed her that the dog was taken by the police and will be used as a cop dog. The Humane Society later called and said they put the dog to sleep. The dog is registered as a medical dog and wasn't taken on grounds of abuse. She went to the building to demand answers about the dog. The Humane Society expected her to show up and had a police officer meet her outside of the building to threaten to put her back in jail if she didn't leave. I believe someone is lying, and I feel like a family member has been kidnapped by the only people that can help me. What can I do?

By |2019-07-01T15:25:18-04:00July 1st, 2019|
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