
Can I buy my dog back after signing him over?

I took a dog in, but I am unable to pay the vet bill. I asked about every option, and of course being scared and worried, I signed him over to them. I called to see how he was doing and was told that I don't have any right to call them, he will be fixed, and he will go to a shelter. They said to not ever call again and harass them. They were completely dismissive, and I honestly feel like I made a mistake. Is there any way I can buy him back?

By |2019-07-17T13:26:40-04:00July 17th, 2019|

I gave away a pet and now I regret it.

A week ago I was under a lot of stress dealing with health issues. My daughter received a puppy for Christmas in 2018 from her dad. Last week in the heat of the moment, I gave her dog away. I did not measure the consequences of my actions. Now all my children are crying and they want their pet back. I've reached out to the person I gave our dog to and explained to her the situation. My daughter was suffering anxiety from being bullied at school and her therapist had stated that a pet could help her deal with it. Now I am afraid that me giving away her dog has her struggling with depression again. The dog has been at this person's home for 5 days. I've tried to explain that I was wrong in my doing, but she refuses to return the dog. What can I do? I have 3 kids crying and begging for their dog to come home.

By |2019-07-17T13:22:31-04:00July 17th, 2019|

Humane Society wants me to pay a fee.

My cat was brought to The Humane Society (he escaped in the morning and someone brought him in) and they are now trying to charge me $80 to get him back. They dewormed him, and gave him flee treatment (that’s why they want to charge me), but they did not have my permission to do so, and I can’t afford to buy him back. Is there anything I can do?

By |2019-07-17T13:18:28-04:00July 17th, 2019|

A lady is trying to give away my dog.

I lost my dog, but I recently found a lady trying to give her away on Facebook saying that it’s hers. When I tried to message her, she didn't answer and always cancels when I try to plan to meet. I’m not her registered owner though. What can I do?

By |2019-07-17T12:21:55-04:00July 17th, 2019|

I couldn’t afford the surgery my dog needed.

A week ago I took my puppy in because I could tell he wasn’t feeling good. The vet wanted $900 just for a ultra sound and X-ray to see what was wrong with him. I was told it could be a $2,000 - $3,000 surgery. Me and my fiancé asked if there was anything else they could do so they gave him medicine hoping he would be better by the next day. He still wasn’t better so I decided to take him to a new vet. They took him into the room right away, and less than 10 minutes later she came out saying he has a bunch of kidney stones and needs surgery which will cost $6,000-$10,000. They said I can pay for it, and if I can’t, I have to give him up. They didn’t give me payment options or anything. It was 1 or the other. I don’t have that much money I’m only 19. They took him and said they will do the surgery then find someone who will adopt him. I’m so confused why someone gets to adopt my healthy pup now. It doesn’t seem right. I couldn’t afford it so I lose my best friend, but the next person gets to adopt him with no other surgery prices? Please help I don’t know what to do, and this doesn’t seem right.

By |2019-07-17T12:13:08-04:00July 17th, 2019|

I want the lost dog I found back.

I recently found an abandoned dog and my partner called the Humane Society the following day (the pickup is under his name). We informed we were considering adopting the dog but had to go over a few things first. The lady that picked him up informed they would give the owners 3 days to claim him and if not, we could fill the adoption papers. To my surprise, I found his profile online and see that he has been pre-adopted within less than 24 hours. Is there any loophole, or any possible way I could claim him as mine, since he was technically living under my roof for a day or two? Is there any way I could get him back? I am desperate.

By |2019-07-17T12:08:01-04:00July 17th, 2019|

Can I get out of my vet contract?

I have an annual vet contract for my dog. I pay $20 a month. This is supposed to cover teeth cleaning, three check ups, etc. I have not been happy with the care they are giving my dog and want to get out of the contract, but the office says I cannot get out of it. I have six months left. I do not want to return to this office, yet I will be out $120 if I don’t go back. Can they legally keep me in that contract? What recourse do I have?

By |2019-08-15T09:35:59-04:00July 10th, 2019|

My family didn’t get to say goodbye to foster dog.

I had a foster dog for over a year, but it wasn't the best fit for our family so we didn’t adopt. We took him to several adoption events. A couple was interested in him at one event, and an hour meeting was set up the following week between them and an agency representative. The rep. took him to the visit, and then called to say she would follow them back to their home, and they would keep the dog beginning immediately. My daughter was gone that day and I begged for him to at least be here when she gets back so we could say a proper goodbye, and they had no response. I have shot records and tags, his bed and crate, but it seems like they had little interest in his best interest. This has left a big emotional impact on our family. Any recourse ideas?

By |2019-07-10T15:36:01-04:00July 10th, 2019|

How can I get my dog’s puppies back?

Is there any legal right I can back myself with to get my dog’s puppy back? My dog and my mom’s dog had puppies together. Mine had four. We kept two and a family member wanted the other two. It has been almost a year and the dogs have not been groomed or taken to the vet, and she leaves the dogs outside in the freezing winter and now hot summer. They are a very small breed of dog and are not meant to stay outside. We established terms of care before asking for the $100 rehoming fee. The terms they agreed to was to take them to the vet when needed, get them groomed regularly, and to never leave them outside because they’re too small. We wanted to make sure they were taken care of and were going to a good home. She swore to these terms and has broken every one of them. I wish we would have signed a contract, but that seemed to be a bit much since they were my family. Now, we want them back, but they refuse. I’ve had every member of the family tell me that they love one of the dogs but hate the other. So, they’ve basically told me they don’t want her, they’ve neglected the care we agreed on, and they refuse to give the dogs back. What can I do to at least get the dog that they said they don't even like back?

By |2019-07-10T15:30:57-04:00July 10th, 2019|

I gave my dog to my coworker and I want to see him.

I gave my dog to one of my coworkers 4 years ago due to my living situation. My coworker and I had a verbal agreement that I could see him and take him when I would like. I haven't seen him once in four years and have contacted the person that I gave my dog to several times over the last four years with no response. I have now contacted his wife, and they are denying me the right to see him. I still have all of his paperwork stating that I am his legal owner. What should I do?

By |2019-07-10T15:15:59-04:00July 10th, 2019|
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