
Who is the rightful owner of the ashes?

My daughter gave me a dog 6 years ago. The dog had to be put down and now my daughter says the ashes belong to her, it was her dog. She said all I was was a body at home. The dog was older and had health issues. She never came to see the dog. I was the dog’s sole caretaker and I loved the dog with all that I had. I want the ashes. Who is the rightful owner?

By |2021-03-25T14:22:50-04:00February 11th, 2021|

Breeder has not sent me AKC papers after over two years.

I got my husky a little over two years ago. He was sold to me as a pure bred and I was told I would receive the papers after a few months. It has now been over two years and this woman has never answered me, nor returned any of my multiple emails. I am fed up. What should I do?

By |2021-03-25T14:28:36-04:00February 11th, 2021|

How can I get my emotional support dog back?

We had a person foster my dog while we got ourselves into a new home. My dog is an emotional support dog and they are refusing to give her back. I have the papers from my doctor stating she’s my emotional support dog. How can I get her back?

By |2021-04-16T15:18:47-04:00January 25th, 2021|

Should I help cousin adopt a cat?

My cousin is requesting me to adopt a cat for her and she will keep him. She cannot get him because she lives in an apartment and they are requesting an actual house. I am allergic to cats and although I love them, I do not want the legal responsibilities if she decides she no longer wants him. Is this okay or should I just let it be?

By |2021-02-22T12:26:32-04:00January 13th, 2021|
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