Our Pet Health Centers team jumped into action recently with the arrival of Kira, a 9-month-old English Bulldog mix who was surrendered to us in significant distress. Not only was Kira in heat, but she had a prolapse of her rectum and a possible hernia that was so painful, she had to be sedated to allow our veterinary staff to examine her.
WARNING: Some images may be heartbreaking.
Because Kira had not been spayed, Chief of Veterinary Staff Dr. Mark Verdino performed the procedure while also giving her an in-depth exam, and discovered her medical condition was different than expected. Kira did not have a hernia but a nodular growth near her rear end. “It’s very tender, a bit ulcerated on the surface and likely the result of hormonal changes due to her intact status,” Dr. Verdino noted. The spay procedure also revealed another critical issue for Kira; she was developing a uterine infection, pyometra, which is a potentially life-threatening condition if left untreated.
“Not spaying and neutering your animals can lead to serious issues and growths like Kira’s. And had we not found her infection as a result of the spay, it would have gone on to make her very sick,” he added. Now the post-surgical plan for Kira includes antibiotics and a topical therapy on her growth to see if it regresses. If not, they will excise and biopsy the mass to ensure that it is not malignant.

Kira’s healing journey continues under our watchful and expert care, and we will make sure that she never has to suffer again. Although her first year of life has been difficult, we know there will be happier days ahead for this adorable and sweet-tempered Bulldog.
It is only through the generosity of our supporters that we can administer emergency treatment to homeless and abandoned animals, like Kira. Please donate and help us continue to provide the critical care, and hope, that these vulnerable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens need to survive.

Update: March 27, 2024
Kira Puts Painful Past Behind Her and Finds A Happy Home

A follow-up at our Pet Health Centers found that adoption would have to wait just a little bit longer. While Kira’s infection has healed, the nodular growth on her hind end continued to be an issue. The area was getting constantly irritated, and the wound frequently opened up, which continued to put Kira at risk. A plan was put in place to remove the growth to give Kira a better quality of life. We’re happy to say that Kira’s surgery went well, and tests continue to show no sign of cancer. Kira will continue to have follow-up visits to re-check the area, but for now this happy girl was ready for the next step of her journey.

It was her foster mom, Marilyn, who found the perfect family for Kira. The Sokoloski family was looking for a friend for their adult English Bulldog, and when these two met it was like they were meant to be together all along. This new beginning was made possible by our dedicated veterinary team, our amazing foster program, and the generous support of our donors. Together we’re changing the world for homeless animals, one happy adoption at a time.