Paws and Purpose for VolunTEEN Enya Sakhrani

From an early age, Enya knew she wanted to follow in her mom’s footsteps and volunteer at North Shore Animal League America, but first she had to wait until she turned 16. Now she is enrolled in our VolunTEEN program and loving every minute of it.

Volunteer Enya Sakhrani

With a passion for animals and desire to make a difference, Enya hopes one day to become a veterinarian, and is soaking up the time she gets to spend at Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center. She chose to focus on helping with our felines, since her resident dog is not cat-friendly and having a pet cat is not currently an option. “I’ve learned a lot about cat behavior,” Enya shared. “For example, if a cat wags its tail, it doesn’t always mean it’s happy, it can also mean stay away!”

Enya has found everyone to be extremely helpful as she learns the ropes. It all serves to brighten her days, and Enya noted that there’s something at Animal League America for everyone. “If I’m having a bad day and I go to BFF, it always cheers me up,” Enya said. “And it’s also a great place to just go and meet people and learn about how to take care of animals if you’re thinking about getting a new pet.”

Volunteer Enya Sakhrani

Our no-kill mission resonates deeply with Enya and her belief in the value of all living creatures. “I feel like every animal deserves a chance to have a good life,” she said. “Animals are so innocent and pure, and give us unconditional love, so it’s our job to reciprocate and give back to them.”

As Enya progresses toward a future in veterinary care, her empathy will leave a lasting pawprint on our organization and underscores the invaluable contribution of volunteers of all ages to North Shore Animal League America.

Volunteer Enya Sakhrani

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month

At North Shore Animal League America, we could not perform all of the hands-on work that we do without the help of our incredible team of dedicated volunteers.

If you’d like to learn more about the Volunteer Program and available opportunities, please visit