As 2020 finally drew to a close, at North Shore Animal League America we once again witnessed that not even the smallest creatures could escape the hardship of this most difficult year. Pregnant and due any day, Audrey was rescued off the street by one of our partner shelters in Georgia, who then reached out to us for help. There was no time to waste, especially when pregnant dogs are often the first to be euthanized at overcrowded municipal shelters.

When she reached our Port Washington, New York campus in mid-December, Audrey was tired and weak. She was immediately set up with a private nursing suite in our Nursery and received round-the-clock care by our dedicated veterinary team. It was late Christmas night when the big moment finally arrived, and Audrey gave birth to seven beautiful puppies. The new Mama went right to work tending to her babies. Most were doing well, but two were very tiny and not nursing right away. Sadly, one puppy passed away a day later.

You can be a hero to animals like Audrey and her puppies. Your support will help them see brighter days.

As the New Year begins, we look to a happier future for Audrey and her pups. Audrey continues to do all she can for her babies, and even welcomes the assistance from our caring staff. The pups have been gaining weight and trying out their little legs. Even the smallest, who struggled in the beginning, has made wonderful progress in these first days of 2021.

For now, Audrey will remain in the nursery with her puppies until they are ready to be separated. Then our Adoption Center team will begin the search for the perfect home for each of these sweet new Mutt-i-grees.

Providing this type of care is at the core of our lifesaving mission. As always, we work with other shelters to get animals the medical care they need, provide them with the compassionate care they deserve, and find them responsible, loving homes. But we can’t do it alone. 

In 2021, your help is needed more than ever. With your support, we can change the world for homeless animals, one paw at a time.