Hurricane Katrina 2005

2005 Katrina & Gulf Coast Rescues

In the year following Hurricane Katrina, North Shore Animal League America made thirty six road trips and conducted two unprecedented airlifts, rescuing 1,327 dogs and cats from the impact areas.

Many Years Later

Many years after the devastating blow dealt by Hurricane Katrina, many of the residents of the Gulf Coast region continue the work of restoring their lives and rebuilding their homes. The Animal League holds steadfast to its promise to help the animals from that area.

Experts predict that it will take a lot of time to restore the areas hardest hit by Katrina in August 2005. Thousands lost their homes and livelihoods and the lingering impact of the destruction continues to affect residents—including helpless dogs and cats—to this day.

For the pets that survived the storm with their families or were later reunited, the risk isn’t necessarily behind them. Many displaced families now find themselves living in apartment buildings where pets aren’t allowed—often times forcing them to bring their pets to local shelters with the hopes that another family will adopt them.

Unfortunately, the reduced population in that area makes it much harder for displaced pets to find new homes as most shelters remain overcrowded.

Hurricane Katrina Pet Remembrance Tree

In honor of Hurricane Katrina Pet Remembrance Day, North Shore Animal League America planted a Pet Remembrance Tree. This tree is in loving memory of the pets that were lost as a result of the hurricane and in honor of those amazing pets that were rescued and adopted.

Our Commitment Is Unwavering

  • We continue to assist in the re-homing of pets from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with frequent trips to the South.
  • We transport animals back to the League, nurture them, provide any necessary medical attention, and place them up for adoption into loving homes.
  • For as long as the need continues, we’ll help shelters re-home innocent dogs and cats that are still impacted by the lingering effects of Katrina.
  • Our critical rescue work wouldn’t be possible without the ongoing support of concerned individuals like you that recognize the plight of animals in these emergencies.

If you would like to support North Shore Animal League America’s mission and ongoing rescue efforts please donate to our Rescue Fund today.

By |2020-06-08T12:32:24-04:00May 31st, 2010|

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