How can we put dogs up for adoption if there is joint ownership with ex?


I have a question about custody, however it's a bit different than the typical inquiries. My boyfriend adopted dogs with his ex girlfriend. His ex refuses to leave us alone and uses the dogs to continue to be connected. She'll say she's going to come pick the dogs up and keep them but never follows through. She's been told repeatedly that he cannot keep the dogs but refused to sign paperwork surrendering them and refuses to take them herself. Unfortunately, she's a bit crazy and we cannot continue to handle this in the relationship. The dogs are suffering as well. What process does he need to go through (certified letters etc) where he can be able to put the dogs up for adoption? Currently rescues will not take the dogs due to her having part ownership of them. Would there be a process that we can take on as she refuses to be responsive?


Yes, this is a not a typical inquiry. Most custody related questions involve people who both want the same animal. It is certainly a shame that your boyfriend's dogs are suffering. After all, your boyfriend did adopt the dogs and should be providing the dogs with humane care, even if the co-owner is not doing her part. Hopefully this situation can be worked out amicably but, if not, I suggest that your boyfriend consider retaining an attorney in his state who may be able to commence a legal proceeding for a declaratory judgment (asking the court to declare the rights of the parties). In the meantime, provide the dogs with a loving home. Failure to do so not only is inhumane but may also violate animal cruelty/neglect laws. Good luck!

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By |2017-06-23T20:53:04-04:00January 11th, 2017|

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