How can I get my dog back?


My dog escaped the house with a bad skin condition and ended up at the shelter before I returned home. The shelter deemed her skin as neglect and threatened to take my other animals (1 dog 1 cat) if we tried to sign her out, so my boyfriend (legal owner) signed her away to them. But I've personally had this dog for 12 years and knows only us as a family. I have the vet I've used for 12 years as well on my side, but he legally can't do anything and told me to contact a lawyer. I've asked the shelter nicely to get her back any way I can but they won't give me a straight answer.


People who surrender their animal generally have no further rights to that animal and the shelter where the animal was surrendered generally has no legal obligation to return the animal, although they sometimes do, depending on the facts and circumstances. Consider asking your veterinarian to contact the shelter on your behalf. He can let the shelter know that the dog’s bad skin condition is being treated (assuming that’s the case).

I also suggest you immediately contact an attorney in your area regarding next steps. Time is of the essence since after an animal is rehomed, it is very difficult to get the animal returned. Also, given the age and condition of the dog, it is possible that the dog will be euthanized, depending on the policies of the shelter.

If the dog is returned, please get the dog’s skin condition taken care of and take extra precautions so the dog does not escape again. I hope this all works out well for the dog!

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By |2024-05-20T14:52:45-04:00April 20th, 2024|

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