
I found someone on Craigslist with Bengal kittens they are looking to rehome. We live in Denver CO. I'm just making sure it's not illegal to pay this person money in exchange for a Bengal kitten. I know some states have strict rules about adopting pets.


Some states and municipalities ban or restrict the keeping of Bengal cats. The latest law I located from Denver states, in part, that it is “unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep, maintain, feed, harbor, transport or sell within the city any living wild or dangerous animal…” Wild or dangerous animal does not include domestic cats but does include “any animal that is the offspring (hybrid cross) of a domestic cat and any other species of cat unless the non-domestic cat ancestor was of the Bengal cat (Felis bengalensis) species and that all ancestors of the cat have lived in captivity for at least the preceding five (5) generations (F4)…” To confirm the current status of laws relating to Bengal cats in your area, contact the city attorney’s office.

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