
Why Black Cats Rule

When I read that August 17 is National Black Cat Appreciation Day, my heart skipped a beat, and I immediately thought of our magnificent Leon Bear. Howard and I lost this 20-pound bundle of pure joy and sweetness to cancer on September 12, 2018. Looking back, I remember how dignified, regal, confident, and intelligent he was, with his lustrous coat and his wise golden eyes. To us, he meant just the opposite of bad luck. We were so lucky to have known and loved him.

By |2024-08-16T09:33:13-04:00August 12th, 2024|

Featured Adoptable Pets: Pearl & Piper

Adjusting to a shelter environment after losing the only home they’ve ever known has taken Pearl and Piper lots of resilience, but these precious felines still have an abundance of affection to share. This beautiful, senior mother-daughter cat duo has spent the past two years in our Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center, patiently waiting. They just need someone to give them a chance.

By |2024-09-03T10:44:13-04:00July 26th, 2024|

Partnership Saves 53 Small Breed Dogs From Commercial Breeding Facilities

In a recent collaboration with National Mill Dog Rescue, North Shore Animal League America saved 53 small breed dogs from the inhumane conditions of commercial breeding facilities in the Midwest. The rainy morning of their arrival did not dampen the spirits of all the volunteers, who were enthusiastically waiting to greet the survivors. These resilient canines – including Shih Tzus, Cavapoos, mini Australian Shepherds, Labradoodles, French Bulldogs, Maltese and Havanese – were carried off our Mobile Rescue Unit and into the safety of our Port Washington adoption center to start their new life.

By |2024-08-14T12:34:04-04:00July 25th, 2024|

Protecting Pets from Heatstroke

As the summer heat intensifies, the risk of heat stroke in our pets becomes a significant concern. Heat stroke in pets can occur quickly and can lead to serious consequences if not promptly recognized and treated. It's important to know the signs that your pet is in distress and how to help them quickly.

By |2024-08-20T14:31:36-04:00July 12th, 2024|

A Compassionate Commitment

At North Shore Animal League America, we believe in caring for all animals in need, for however long or short a time that may be. Through the support of our Comfort Pet Hospice Care, a part of our Foster Care Program, we are able to provide animals with terminal illnesses the compassionate care they need to live their final days surrounded by love. For a loveable senior tabby named Cutie, the program has been a blessing.

By |2024-08-20T14:02:10-04:00July 12th, 2024|

I Believe in Miracles!

It may not be the best photo in the world (it’s a “screenshot” from a video), but when I saw this image on North Shore Animal League America’s Instagram account, my heart jumped for joy. That smiling face belongs to Eloise, an 8-year-old Beagle mix. On June 24, I reposted NSALA’s appeal to find homes for six senior dogs, including Eloise. A woman named Catherine saw the post, and five days later, Eloise was in Catherine’s car headed to her new home.

By |2024-08-16T09:34:06-04:00July 11th, 2024|

Protecting Community Cats from the Summer Heat

Just as important in cold weather, feral cats – also known as community cats –need proper shelter during the summer months. These cats can be particularly vulnerable to extreme temperatures and at risk of dehydration and heat exhaustion. That’s why a safe place to rest in a cool, shady spot can make all the difference.

By |2024-07-22T16:48:26-04:00June 12th, 2024|

It is a small world after all.

In a world that often feels divided by politics, religion, economics, race, and almost anything else you can name, it warms my heart to realize that some positive things unite us. One of these is our compassion for homeless dogs, cats — and rabbits!

By |2024-07-15T11:54:35-04:00June 11th, 2024|

Spring Gardening and Pet Safety

Spring has arrived, which means it’s time to get back outside and spruce up those garden beds and lawns. Time in the garden can be a wonderful hobby, but it’s very important to be mindful of the types of plants you are using when your four-legged friends are also out enjoying the spring air. Many plants, plant foods and fertilizers can be toxic to your pets. Ask yourself these questions when planning your garden so you both can enjoy it all season long.

By |2024-06-10T09:40:43-04:00May 14th, 2024|

Optimism is Action

Being an optimist is hard work. But deep down, and despite the heartbreaking emails waiting in my inbox every morning, I believe that for every cruel person in this world, there are countless others who are kind, caring, and compassionate. This is especially true in animal welfare, where so many good people stand together to fight animal cruelty in all its ugly forms.

By |2024-06-12T09:47:36-04:00May 13th, 2024|
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