
I have surrendered my cat to a no-kill shelter because I had to move out of the state and because I was having some health problems at the time and I couldn't take care of it. Since I haven't moved yet and I am still in Las Vegas, NV, I have asked to see my cat because my son and I, we miss him. The shelter told me that he has been adopted within the same month when I surrendered, and that they can't give me information of the adopter person for privacy purpose. I have not asked for the Adopter's address or anything related, I've asked if they can call the person who adopted my pet to let me see the pet one more time or send me a picture of him because I miss him that bad. They are not even returning my calls or emails back. I feel they have no right to treat people's feelings like that. What can I do?


People who surrender their animal generally have no further rights to that animal (and that includes no further contact and no right to updates, etc. unless there was an agreement that stated otherwise). Shelters are often reluctant to contact adopters regarding requests such as yours since adopters may feel concerned that an animal’s prior “parent” will try to get an animal returned after seeing the animal, even if that is not the initial motivation. People who want to keep their animal but temporarily cannot do so should consider finding a foster “parent” or boarding facility.

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