Heartbreak We Can Help Heal
My heart goes out to the 500,000 – maybe even a billion – animals that perished and people who lost everything in the devastating Australian wildfires recently. I can’t even imagine how horrible it is for the injured wildlife or those that needed to be taken in because there was nothing left of their habitat.
Maybe you heard that my amazing friend and partner in animal rescue, Rachael Ray, recently donated $1 million dollars to aid organizations delivering emergency relief efforts. Please click here to learn how you can be a part of healing this heartbreak for both animals and humans.
My thoughts are also never far from the heartbreak of “Kitten Season,” when thousands upon thousands of cats give birth and this year’s season is fast approaching. Starting as early as March and often lasting through November, shelters throughout the country are flooded with an influx of newborns. With their fragile immune systems and labor-intensive care and socialization needs, you can imagine the unbearable fate they may face in overcrowded, municipal shelters.
The reality is that millions of healthy, adoptable kittens – and let’s not forget the cats, dogs, and puppies – are euthanized annually because there are not enough homes for them all. We know this is awful, but we can do our part to do something about it. I think that education and spay/neuter are the best answers.
For more than 25 years, my colleagues at Animal League America have helped hundreds of thousands of people from coast to coast find low-cost, quality spay/neuter services for their dogs and cats in their own communities through a vital program called SpayUSA®.

Will they be lucky enough to survive Kitten Season?
The goal is to make spay/neuter services affordable to those who might not otherwise spay/neuter their pets. In 2019 alone, the SpayUSA program helped 24,291 clients and 53,440 dogs and cats find safe, accessible spay/neuter. These are truly unbelievable stats. It’s no wonder it’s the only program of its kind!
In fact, Animal League America has been providing expert, affordable spay/neuter services at its own Pet Health Centers for decades. It’s been an integral part of their no-kill mission since their founding over 75 years ago!
Did you know that spaying and neutering provides a host of health benefits, too? Spaying female pets can eliminate the risk of uterine cancer and greatly reduces the risk of mammary cancer. Neutering male pets can make them less likely to roam, spray, or fight, prevents testicular cancer, and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Just imagine the suffering that this program has spared and the lives it saved! Don’t delay, SpayUSA is waiting to help you and your animal loving friends and family! Learn all you need to know at www.spayusa.org.

SpayUSA® is confronting pet overpopulation and making great strides.
This month, let’s make a promise and work together to show animals just how much we love and care about them. I know there’s enough room to make all our hearts full!
P.S. Be sure to save the dates for two events in 2020 that I’ll be holding close to my heart to benefit rescue animals: the 20th Anniversary of the annual Lewyt Humane Awards Luncheon on June 17th in Great Neck, NY and the Get Your Rescue On® Gala on November 13th in Manhattan, NY. Hope to see you there!