At just 12-weeks-old, Nubia was surrendered to the overcrowded Animal Care Centers (ACC) in New York City. It was clear she could not bear weight on her right leg. The staff at ACC immediately put out a plea for another shelter to take her in, with the hope they could somehow help this beautiful girl.

The Rescue Team at North Shore Animal League America responded immediately and transported Nubia back to our Pet Health Centers. Our dedicated team went straight to work to evaluate Nubia’s orthopedic issues and develop a plan to get her back on all four paws.

When she was first placed onto the exam table in our Emergency Care Unit, she attempted to stand, but delicately held her right paw off the table. Dr. Mark Verdino, Senior Vice President and Chief of Veterinary Staff, diagnosed Nubia with a humeral fracture of the right front leg. “She’s not bearing her full weight on that leg,” said Dr. Verdino. “I feel a thickening of the humeral or upper arm bone and we need to take more x-rays to see if this is correctable or not.”

If this was a recent break, Nubia would be even more painful. Dr. Verdino believed that a callus, or mass of tissue, has formed around the fracture. More x-rays will provide further information on Nubia’s options. One option is to leave the break alone, immobilize it, and let it heal.  Another option is to surgically stabilize it.

“We may not want to re-break it. The problem right now is the limb is significantly shorter so she may always have a gait abnormality,” said Dr. Verdino. “If it’s not affecting her quality of life even if she walks a little funny that’s okay, but if it is affecting her quality of life, we may have to remove the limb.”

Your support will help continue our rescue efforts to bring other homeless animals in need to the safety of our no-kill shelter.

Additional x-rays showed a significant fracture in Nubia’s leg. A rod was inserted to stabilize the leg, and Nubia spent the next several weeks at our Pet Health Centers receiving round-the-clock care as she healed. Nubia underwent rehabilitation at our Wellness Center until she was back on her feet and ready to run into the arms of a new adopter.

A New Name in a New Home

Nubia charmed Sandra as she pranced across the floor, purring and giving head bumps to choose her new mom. Now called Nebula, this young kitten’s life has started anew as she was brought to her new home, complete with a new feline sibling named Kitty.

Nebula has put her painful past behind her, and her new mom will confirm she’s back on all four paws. There’s nothing stopping Nebula now!