Black cats have been at the center of superstitions and folklore for centuries. They bring bad luck. They’re evil. They’re witches – too often these silly myths have caused potential adopters to overlook black cats as they wait to find responsible, loving homes. At North Shore Animal League America we realize the color of an animal’s coat has no bearing on their temperament, health, or intellect. We treat every animal that we rescue with the same compassionate care regardless of physical appearance or breed, but old habits die hard, and some of our black cats remain at our Port Washington, N.Y. Adoption Center for longer than they should because of the color of their fur.

In recognition of National Black Cat Appreciation Day (August 17, 2017), we’re featuring some of the highly adoptable black coated beauties here at Animal League America. All of these cats are being spoiled by the shelter associates and volunteers in our Cat Habitat, but they are awaiting the day they have their very own family to spoil them. If you are interested in learning more about any of these cats, please contact Feline Enrichment Manager Dorit Shani at [email protected]

Kenzi, H207829

Meet Kenzi, Adoption #H207829

Kenzi enjoys her solitary perch in our cage free Cat Habitat as she gazes out her window, occasionally accepting ear rubs from a trusted visitor. She’s thinking this is as good as it gets, but she doesn’t know a home is out there waiting for her. A peaceful home of her own (she’s best as the only pet), with windows of course, would suit this beautiful girl best. Kenzi arrived in April of 2016, so she has spent half of her life in our care, first as a young mother with medical issues, including a heart murmur and tactile sensitivity. Now, as the resident black cat in our Adoption Center, she’s often overlooked by potential adopters. Couple that with being a black cat, and you realize why Kenzi is still waiting, more than a year later. We are confident that when she finds her match, they will have an epic rescue love story and she will finally be home.

Wonder, R163622

Meet Wonder, Adoption #R163622

Wonder arrived off a rescue transport this spring along with many other cats, but he is the only one that remain. It seems he has been overlooked for more colorful choices but his shiny black coat has deterred potential adopters. This impish 3 year old has enough personality to fill the entire Cat Habitat with smiles, and we’re certain he would do the same to any home. With other cats he can be awkward and pushy, but with humans, he’s all heart. He’s always the first to the door when human visitors arrive. He’s a lover of ear rubs and cat nip, and longs for a home where he’ll get lots of playtime and loving attention. Wonder is truly wonderful and we can’t wait to be celebrating his adoption day. He’s a high energy cat who would do best in a home with children 10 years old and up.

Wonder, R163622

Meet Bamboo, Adoption #R163889

When Bamboo arrived in April, he was very fearful of his new setting and took his time being nurtured by our Pet Behavior Team before graduating to our cage-free Cat Habitat. He is still very shy, but being surrounded by confident cats helps him learn how to trust. His shyness is his greatest obstacle, and his black fur exacerbates the challenge. When visitors arrive, he’s the first cat to dash to the back room for cover, making it difficult to attract attention. He will need a home with a confident cat who will mentor him and help him to overcome his fears. A family with children 12 years old and up, who can empathize with him and give him the time he needs to feel settled into his happily ever after, would be the best fit. We know Bamboo to enjoy snuggling in a bed by the window and appreciate ear rubs from people he trusts. Will you be the one to give this shy boy the loving home he’s been craving?

Wonder, R163622

Meet Farley, Adoption #BF1670

Coming from a life on the streets, Farley’s new life in a more confined space has been a challenge for him to adjust to – but adjust he has! This 5 year old learns quickly the ways of his new life, and despite his displeasure of living with other cats, he does a noble job of charming anyone who will give him the chance. He’s one of the first cats you’ll see when you visit the Adoption Center, but people walk right past his cage and onto the more colorful kittens down the aisle. A cat experienced person with a quiet home is going to get how fantastic this guy is. His wait will be longer than his colorful competition, but it will be worth it because the right family is worth waiting for.