Father Definitely Knew Best
Julia Dorsett will never forget her dad’s wise advice: Give to those that cannot help themselves…children, the Planet, and animals. “I always choose which organizations I donate to by my father’s principle,” says Julia, “and I feel great satisfaction when I know my gifts are truly helping those in need.”
As the world’s largest rescue and adoption organization, North Shore Animal League America has the compassion and the expertise to meet Julia’s high standards. “This is one of the most unique and dedicated organizations I’ve ever known,” she says. “You see firsthand how your donations are being utilized. Whether rescuing animals from abuse, providing medical care, educating youth to respect and love all animals — plus the value that Animal League America puts on every life — well, this organization proves that it can and does work.”
Interestingly enough, we came to Julia’s attention through a “mutual friend,” Howard Stern. “As an avid Howard Stern listener and self-proclaimed ‘Super Fan,’ I became aware of Animal League America via his show,” says Julia. “I’m thankful that the Sterns have such great love and support for Animal League America and that they promote all the wonderful work this organization does. I had the honor of meeting the Sterns at the 2013 Gala, and I continue to attend these elegant events that raise awareness and money for such a great cause.”
A gifted athlete, Julia was paralyzed in a car accident while she was still in college. She nevertheless returned to worldclass sports and is now a champion Paralympian, having competed internationally in wheelchair tennis and as a crewmember on the Paralympic sailing team.
“Julia is one of those beautiful and inspiring people you can only hope to meet in your lifetime,” says Senior Vice President of Development Jill Burkhardt. “I’m so happy she heard about us and decided to make an immediate and significant difference to help the pets in our care. She has also helped fund Bianca’s Furry Friends Feline Adoption Center. I know that her commitment to our no-kill mission will inspire countless others to make miracles happen here.”
Julia’s miracle-making motto is “Save them all!” Moreover, her great respect for foster families has led her to consider fostering in the near future. Until then, her two Mutt-i-grees keep her busy. “All of my animals have been rescues,” she says, “and they are the best! Right now I have two pups: Riley, 11 and Brewster, 3. Riley has been my best friend for more than a decade, and Brewster is a welcome addition to our family. They are both the loves of my life.”
“All of my animals have been rescues,
and they are the best!”

Jill Burkhardt has nothing but praise for Julia, as a person and as a donor. “When she’s around,” says Jill, “you can just feel the warmth and joy she openly has for innocent animals. We simply cannot do this lifesaving work without generous individuals like Julia.”
To learn more about how you can support our lifesaving mission with a gift, please contact Jill Burkhardt, at [email protected], or call 1.516.883.7900, ext 833. Thank you.